Student Solution


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Unit 9 Reading Responses

Unit 9 Reading Responses

Q Select any two of the following questions and create two critical, thoughtful responses. When crafting your responses, be sure to note the title of the pieces you’re discussing. Use in-text citations from the readings to support your point of view. 1. Explicate two poems by Robinson Jeffers in such a way that reveals how his philosophy of Inhumanism informs the major theme of each poem. 2. Explain how a mystical and religious impulse seems to inform the desire of the speaker in “Vulture.” 3. Identify and discuss the major theme of a poem by Jeffers that you did not discuss in another question. 4. Discuss how the idea that “death is the mother of beauty” informs the major themes in “Sunday Morning” or “The Emperor of Ice Cream.” 5. Provide a close reading/analysis of one or two stanzas from “Sunday Morning.” 6. Compare and contrast how Jeffers and Stevens use the idea of beauty in their poetry. 7. Discuss how the ideas of transience and mutability are thematically important in the poems of Jeffers, Frost, and/or Stevens. 8. Discuss how the ideas of alienation or dislocation inform the themes of two or more poems by Frost. 9. Identify and discuss the major theme of a poem by Stevens that you did not discuss in another question. 10. Compare and contrast Stevens’ “Of Mere Being” and Frost’s “The Ovenbird.” How are reality and imagination important in these poems?

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There is informing of the major theme of life of human beings after their deaths by using the idea of “death is the mother of beauty”. This is because there are connotations of the concept of death as well as lives of human beings after death as per the Holy Bible. Therefore, the implication about celebrating life after dying of Christian believers is evident in the idea expressed by the poet. There is the description of the life of a woman by the poet to make the readers realize about the way in which life should be celebrated always.